Install pip on python 2 for cygwin
python -m ensurepip
python -m ensurepip
kubectl -n kube-system get secret clusterinfo -o yaml | grep token-map | awk ‘{print $2}’ | base64 -d | sed “s|{||g;s|}||g;s|:|.|g;s/\”//g;” | xargs echo Credit
With “Error creating terminal: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying” Try: sudo pacman -R –nodeps –nodeps vte3-notification sudo pacman -S vte3
Some time ago, we published a pair of articles about systemd programming that extolled the value of providing high-quality unit files in upstream packages. The hope was that all distributions would use them and that problems could be fixed centrally rather than each distribution fixing its own problems independently. Now, 30 months later, it seems …
Continue reading ‘Systemd programming, 30 months later []’ »
This commit implements a new TCP congestion control algorithm: BBR (Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT). A detailed description of BBR will be published in ACM Queue, Vol. 14 No. 5, September-October 2016, as “BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control”. BBR has significantly increased throughput and reduced latency for connections on Google’s internal backbone networks and and YouTube …
Continue reading ‘Google introduce a new TCP congestion control algorithm’ »
I’ve used free Dynamic DNS services to give my home machine a “static” address in the past but they either start charging or have poor performance. As I run my own external nameserver, why not use RFC 2136 to dynamically update the address based on the IP from ipify? So with some python scripting, that’s …
Continue reading ‘Dynamic DNS updating in python with ipify’ »
Facebook leverages signed certificates with principals for scalable, reliable security access. Source: Scalable and secure access with SSH | Engineering Blog | Facebook Code Interesting article on large scale authorization & key management.
The Chrome Web Store has a DevEnv app with Emacs built into the development environment (it also has gcc, make, and other tools one would use to write software). Source: EmacsWiki: Emacs For Chrome Books
I run my own email server and never have any trouble with email delivery – however recently some steam emails failed to arrive. I checked I wasn’t in any blacklists with senderbase, then dug further. Turns out I had SSL enabled on my MTA but using my old cert which was SHA1 & revoked (with …
I’ve upgraded my old ML115 ESX box to Ubuntu 16.04, using OpenNebula as the virtualization platform. ON is available in the system repos, but this is an old version (4.1) so I’d advise using the ON repos. OpenNebula provides an EC2-compatible API, which allows the use of libcloud and there is also Docker integration. Ubuntu …