Get emacs to automatically active a virtualenv for a directory & below
create a .dir-locals.el file: ensure that env var WORKON_HOME is set, either in shell or earlier in emacs config as below:
create a .dir-locals.el file: ensure that env var WORKON_HOME is set, either in shell or earlier in emacs config as below:
If your keyboard seems to take a keystroke to “wake up” on Linux it could be USB power-saving. If the output of cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend is not -1, you can disable this by adding the kernel parameter usbcore.autosuspend=-1 and rebooting.
Started using foot terminal on a new EndeavourOS install. But it upsets ssh, here’s a fix
Tactile is a really well executed keyboard-driven tiling extension for Gnome
Yes, you should update ASAP to a patched version of Log4J. You should also consider other ways you can be exploited – do you have java processing emails? But layers of security never hurt, so you can also try this: RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \${ [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \${ [OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \${ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} \${ …
Continue reading ‘Apache RewriteRule Mitigation for log4shell’ »
To fix this copy (or symlink?) ~/.config/flake8 to .flake8 in the root of your project
To find out the # of minutes since a datetime in a sqlite table (example column jobend), do the below: select jobend, cast(((julianday(current_timestamp)-julianday(jobend))*1440) as int) as mins_passed from job Credits
Looking to download the envoy proxy? Try here – but note it needs glibc 2.18, so no Centos 7.
A quick hack based mainly on someone else’s work:
Put this in your .emacs: (add-hook ‘python-mode-hook ‘(lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1))