Check your SSL certificate
Check your SSL certificate with the Qualys SSL Checker. Then fix the config with these hardening tips.
Check your SSL certificate with the Qualys SSL Checker. Then fix the config with these hardening tips.
HTTP Strict Transport Security HSTS is a web security policy mechanism whereby a web server declares that complying user agents such as a web browser are to interact with it using only secure HTTP connections i.e. HTTP layered over TLS/SSL[1]. HSTS is an IETF standards track protocol and is specified in RFC 6797. via HTTP …
Unity Reboot is a custom Unity launcher that can be used to quickly reboot into a different OS / Linux distribution, useful for those who dual boot or triple boot or… it should work with any number of operating systems, including Windows, various Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Fedora, etc.. This isn’t just for Unity …
Change touchpad delay after typing This has been super annoying because the default delay for the touchpad is 2 seconds! Here’s how to set it to whatever delay you want.First, turn off the “disable touchpad when typing setting” in your system settings and then open a terminal and enter the following command. syndaemon -d -K …
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I can’t believe it’s taken me this long as an early adopter of gnome-multi-term (RIP) on Gnome but I’ve finally looked into tabbed terminals on windows. For putty, there is tty+ and putty manager. Putty Manager seems better, but tty+ also works with kitty. For cmd.exe shells as well as cygwin bash shells, there is …
Cairo Dock 3.1 XFCE 4.1 You should know where to find ubuntu 😉 Startup with the XFCE session in Ubuntu & configure Cairo-Dock with the “Default-Single” theme.
(Emacs 24 assumed). First of all, add the marmalade repo to your .emacs. (require ‘package) (add-to-list ‘package-archives ‘(“marmalade” . “”)) (package-initialize) Then with list-packages, install color-theme Put these in your .emacs to make a life a little more attractive: ;; change font (set-face-font ‘default ‘”-outline-Consolas-normal-r-normal-normal-14-97-96-96-c-*-iso8859-1″)) (add-hook ‘before-make-frame-hook (lambda () (set-frame-font “-outline-Consolas-normal-r-normal-normal-14-97-96-96-c-*-iso8859-1”) )) ;; change color-theme …
If you cannot view Oracle Enterprise Manager in IE, but can in other browsers, chances are you’ve hit the MS IE ssl keysize patch. A patch does exist for this (the problem is due to OEM using a 512 bit cert) but if you like you can frontend EM with Apache. Put this inside the …
Add this to your .emacs to allow shift-f1 to launch a gnome terminal (defun launch-gnome-term () “launch gnome-terminal” (interactive) (shell-command “gnome-terminal”)) (global-set-key [(shift f1)] `launch-gnome-term) The good thing about this is it launches the terminal in the directory of the file you are working on… ready for diff’ing, scp’ing etc. Obviously this can be customized …
As found in the Viglen MPC-L: CrunchBang Linux 10 (i386). Important! Specify these two options to the kernel at boot (tab to edit) on installation: cdrom-detect/try-usb=true (presuming you are installing from USB key, may already be there) pci=noacpi Once you have installed, on first boot you should tab edit the grub line again and put …
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