Reduce DNS load on your pi-hole
By setting a minimum TTL on DNS records: echo min-cache-ttl=300 | \ sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-min-cache-ttl.conf # restart your pi-hole service From
By setting a minimum TTL on DNS records: echo min-cache-ttl=300 | \ sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-min-cache-ttl.conf # restart your pi-hole service From
I’ve been getting “Property Spam” recently with subject lines like “A showcase of great properties on the Costa del Sol” or “Achieve high rental yields in an up-and-coming UK city”. These are sent to addresses that have never signed up to any mailing list (but have been sent spam in the past and would be …
2 scripts I’ve written to monitor Linux system performance: check_pressure & check_meminfo
Some extensions I use: dash-to-panel (as dash-to-dock no longer behaves reliably for me) frippery move clock GSconnect mailnag TopIcons Plus Workspace Buttons
Presumably as the old kernel version doesn’t support the capabilities. A quick fix is to downgrade to the old 2.6.9 version here. Bear in mind the risks of running an older version that won’t get security patches etc.
If you use gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal or others, install Gogh for beautiful terminal colour schemes.
The setting you’re looking for is listed under “Window manager tweaks”. XFCE menu Settings Window Manager Tweaks Focus “When a window raises itself” “Do nothing” From StackExchange
TIP: Ensure you have the full certificate chain for the zookeeper servers as well as for your client certificate on the client
Bloom is a REST API caching middleware, acting as a reverse proxy between your load balancers and your REST API workers.It is completely agnostic of your API implementation, and requires minimal changes to your existing API code to work.Bloom relies on redis, configured as a cache to store cached data. It is built in Rust …
Continue reading ‘Bloom – HTTP REST API caching middleware’ »
Peaclock uses C++17, this requires us to go through some hoops. sudo apt install clang-7 llvm-7-dev git clone cd peaclock export CC=/usr/bin/clang-7 export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-7 find . -type f -exec sed -i -e \ ‘s#std::filesystem#std::experimental::filesystem#g’ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed -i -e \ ‘s#<filesystem>#<experimental/filesystem>#g’ {} \; find . -type f -exec sed …
Continue reading ‘Getting peaclock to build on Ubuntu 18.04’ »