emacs tip of the week #7: smex
Smex is M-x on steroids. It gives you an ido completion buffer for all commands you run this way, prioritizing more recently used to the front.
Smex is M-x on steroids. It gives you an ido completion buffer for all commands you run this way, prioritizing more recently used to the front.
I like chord-mode to avoid emacs pinkie. If you want to bind say a quick double I to indent in python mode (and double U to unindent), do this: (add-hook ‘python-mode-hook ‘(lambda () (key-chord-define-local “II” ‘python-indent-shift-right) (key-chord-define-local “UU” ‘python-indent-shift-left)))
Put this in your .emacs to automatically make your scripts (bash, python, perl, ruby, etc) executable: (add-hook ‘after-save-hook ‘executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p)