~/.config/flake8 not picked up by elpy
To fix this copy (or symlink?) ~/.config/flake8 to .flake8 in the root of your project
To fix this copy (or symlink?) ~/.config/flake8 to .flake8 in the root of your project
To find out the # of minutes since a datetime in a sqlite table (example column jobend), do the below: select jobend, cast(((julianday(current_timestamp)-julianday(jobend))*1440) as int) as mins_passed from job Credits
Looking to download the envoy proxy? Try here – but note it needs glibc 2.18, so no Centos 7.
A quick hack based mainly on someone else’s work:https://github.com/jamespo/commandmisc/blob/master/scripts/peerchain
Put this in your .emacs: (add-hook ‘python-mode-hook ‘(lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1))
Add the remote-control section at the bottom of your conf file
Go to Network Section for the Guest & create a new Port Forward from guest port 22 to host port 22022 (or whatever port you have free) Save & start up the VM Open terminal and ssh to your local forwarded port
Very pleased with my recent order from Mr Memory. The DIMM they sent me didn’t work but the return & replacement process was free & efficient.
With unsurprisingly, the UNIX “columns” command (will need to install autogen package). du -hc –max-depth=1 . | columns