Google temporarily backs out SameSite cookie changes
The easiest way to enable or disable ad-blocking from your pi-hole using Alexa is to install fauxmo – with which you can create fake Belkin devices that are Alexa-enabled. You then configure fauxmo with URLs like this: Get YOUR_AUTH_CODE from the WEBPASSWORD= line in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf See example conf at GitHub
Google seem determined to break local name resolution on your home network on your Android phone, redirecting DNS lookups to their servers. Presumably this is partly to prevent solutions like pi-hole making a dent in their ad revenue and tracking. Easiest way round this is to install DNSChanger and specify your local DNS servers – …
rcs has been removed and isn’t even in EPEL for Centos 8. However the source RPM for Fedora 31 builds relatively cleanly. Download, install any dependencies & the rpm build environment & rpmbuild –rebuild rcs-5.9.4-12.fc31.src.rpm
Are you getting this for “dnf upgrade” & are you running Centos 8.0.1905? No repo urls can be found as the minor version has changed. You can fix this by just referencing the major version (8). Try cd /etc/yum.repos.d && sed -i.BAK -e ‘s/$releasever/8/g’ *.repo and try again. You can probably revert the .BAK files …
Continue reading ‘Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘AppStream’ for Centos 8’ »
I have a UMax Hosting VPS which is very cheap but also very flakey. This script (python / selenium) will log in and reboot your VPS – you could tie it to a Icinga Event Command for example.
By setting a minimum TTL on DNS records: echo min-cache-ttl=300 | \ sudo tee /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-min-cache-ttl.conf # restart your pi-hole service From
I’ve been getting “Property Spam” recently with subject lines like “A showcase of great properties on the Costa del Sol” or “Achieve high rental yields in an up-and-coming UK city”. These are sent to addresses that have never signed up to any mailing list (but have been sent spam in the past and would be …
2 scripts I’ve written to monitor Linux system performance: check_pressure & check_meminfo
Some extensions I use: dash-to-panel (as dash-to-dock no longer behaves reliably for me) frippery move clock GSconnect mailnag TopIcons Plus Workspace Buttons