The Command Line Rosetta Stone
A comparison for current operating systems inspired by the classic Unix Rosetta Stone
A comparison for current operating systems inspired by the classic Unix Rosetta Stone
To allow RDP to Win 10 Home you should: Copy rfxvmt.dll file into Windows\System32 Install RDP Wrapper (via zip, NOT MSI)
You can use a –define rpmbuild –define “debug_package %{nil}” -ba SPECS/original.spec
TXR is a pragmatic, convenient tool ready to take on your daily hacking challenges with its dual personality: its whole-document pattern matching and extraction language for scraping information from arbitrary text sources, and its powerful data-processing language to slice through problems like a hot knife through butter. Many tasks can be accomplished with TXR “one …
Got tired of a few shortcomings with Feedly (inability to add feed directly from firefox or to have private RSS feeds), so have migrated to a self-hosted tt-rss install. Components: VPS from Host-US ($15 / year) running Centos 7 tt-rss installation tt-rss feedly plugin (some 3rd party apps supporting syncing to this) tt-rss app for …
Why have I only just discovered this?
Put this in ~/.bashrc if [[ $TERM = “screen” ]]; then SHORTHOST=$(hostname -s) NEW_TITLE=”\033]0;${SHORTHOST}\007″ echo -ne “\033P${NEW_TITLE}\033\\” fi With help from here Can probably do this at screen startup rather than in each bash…
Set up a cron job like the below: 12 10,19 * * * curl -s | grep ‘text that will change’ >/dev/null || mail -s ‘page changed’
I’ve noticed recently I am constantly being asked to solve Google Recaptchas when using Firefox and when logged into Google (which you would think would decrease this). So I’ve started using google container which has the additional advantage of restricting google’s tracking. Two issues: You can’t go back to your google search results, so I …
With TB 60+ a lot of old extensions are incompatible including my favourite nostalgy. Update: as of 23 Sep 2018 Nostalgy has a new version that is compatible with modern Thunderbird! Update 2: Nostalgy is broken for TB68+, but there’s a fork. I now use Quick Folder Move (in combination with Dorando to rebind keymappings) …