CAA Mandated by CA/Browser Forum – Network Security Blog | Qualys, Inc.
Interesting – a new type of DNS record to restrict which registrars can issue certificates for your domain.
CAA Mandated by CA/Browser Forum – Network Security Blog | Qualys, Inc.
Interesting – a new type of DNS record to restrict which registrars can issue certificates for your domain.
I use LastPass to manage my passwords across all devices – note some features require a premium login, but even the basic free service covers a lot of use cases.
IDNs allow domain spoofing in the location bar.
If you use Firefox:
1. In the address bar, enter: about:config
2. Click “I accept the risks!”
3. Search for: network.IDN_show_punycode
4. Double click it to change it to true
Disable the Linkchecker. Do it now.
I like chord-mode to avoid emacs pinkie.
If you want to bind say a quick double I to indent in python mode (and double U to unindent), do this:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda () (key-chord-define-local "II" 'python-indent-shift-right) (key-chord-define-local "UU" 'python-indent-shift-left)))
Seems they are cheap to set up, spammers set up domainkeys / SPF too!
Here’s a spamassassin rule (don’t use it if you get valid mail from .tk):
header NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD From =~ /@[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.(tk)/i describe NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD From address is from a naughty TLD (eg .tk) score NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD 2.8
UPDATE: Looks like the spammers get a free .tk domain, rent a temporary DigitalOcean box, set up spam relay on it and blast out mail until it gets shut down.
By default emacs uses ctrl-rightmouse for the context menu, if you prefer a more “standard” right click only put this in .emacs:
(global-set-key [mouse-3] 'mouse-popup-menubar-stuff)
python -m ensurepip
kubectl -n kube-system get secret clusterinfo -o yaml | grep token-map | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | sed "s|{||g;s|}||g;s|:|.|g;s/\"//g;" | xargs echo