emacs tip of the week #7: local chord shortcuts

I like chord-mode to avoid emacs pinkie.

If you want to bind say a quick double I to indent in python mode (and double U to unindent), do this:

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda ()
                   (key-chord-define-local "II" 'python-indent-shift-right)
                   (key-chord-define-local "UU" 'python-indent-shift-left)))


Getting a lot of spam from .tk domains – kill it with spamassassin

Seems they are cheap to set up, spammers set up domainkeys / SPF too!

Here’s a spamassassin rule (don’t use it if you get valid mail from .tk):

header      NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD  From   =~ /@[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.(tk)/i
describe    NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD  From address is from a naughty TLD (eg .tk)
score       NAUGHTY_FROM_TLD  2.8

UPDATE: Looks like the spammers get a free .tk domain, rent a temporary DigitalOcean box, set up spam relay on it and blast out mail until it gets shut down.