shell based SSL/TLS tester: is a free command line tool which checks a server’s service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as some flaws. It’s designed to provide a clear output for a “is this good or bad” decision. It works for Linux and BSD out of the box – no need to install or configure something, no gems, CPAN, pip or the like.

If you use the Qualys online SSL checker a lot, you need to try this, it’s very fast if you are experimenting with SSL config options.

Source: shell based SSL/TLS tester:

Command Line tools

Here are the tools I use to live my  life on the command line:


Client: Mutt
Filtering: procmail, imapfilter
Search: mairix

General Web

Client: Lynx, Links, Elinks, w3m
Tools: wget, aria2c, curl

Web Services

Toodledoo: toodledo (ruby gem)
Misc search engines: Surfraw
Google Calendar: gagenda
Ebay: esniper
BBC Iplayer: get_iplayer
Google Drive: gdrive
Google Mail: mutt (via IMAP)
StackExchange: sx.el (via Emacs)

Social Media

Twitter: Rainbowstream
Facebook: fbstream (RIP)
Hackernews: hackernews (via Emacs)
Chat: centerim


Editor: Emacs, Vim
Icinga: icli, qicinga
RSS: Newsbeuter, Feednix
Weather: weatherman

File Viewers

MS Word docx:
MS Word: antiword
PDF: pdftohtml
RTF: unrtf
(all of these can be integrated into mutt via ~/.mailcap)

Commandline IMAP Mail check & Screen

I wanted a commandline IMAP mailbox checker so I wrote one: imapchkr

Normal output for this is as below:

➜  ~  [jamespo: 0/190] [gmail: 0/80] 

But I decided I wanted to embed it in my GNU screen hardstatus so expanded it to offer a short output option (imapchkr -s). See bottom left corner for output.

➜  ~  dstat  
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---paging-- ---system--  
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read  writ| recv  send|  in   out | int   csw   
  1   0  98   0   0   0|  45k   65k|   0     0 |   1B    2B| 114   112   
  0   0 100   0   0   0|   0     0 | 106B 1003B|   0     0 |  45    55   
  1   0  97   3   0   0|   0    44k| 172B 1122B|   0     0 |  65    65   
  1   0  99   0   0   0|   0     0 |2234B 5945B|   0     0 | 168   183   
  1   1  99   0   0   0|   0    56k| 109B 1145B|   0     0 |  91   104   
  3   1  95   0   0   0|   0   208k| 122B 1187B|   0     0 | 206   219 ^C  
➜  ~    
j:0 g:0 Sat Feb 28 2:30pm Get a hair cut 0$ ssu  1$ ~    2$* ~  3$ ~  4!$  5-$ ~

Configure your ~/.screenrc like this:

backtick 1 60 60 /home/james/bin/screen_agenda
backtick 2 90 90 /home/james/bin/imapchkr -s
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{wk}%2`%{yk}%1` %{= kG}%-Lw%{= kW}%50>  %n%f* %t%{= kG}%+Lw%<'

screen -t root
screen -t mail
screen -t root

I'm also using gcalci for Google Calendar appointments.