Want CRAM-MD5 & DIGEST-MD5 IMAP auth to work in mutt on Debian / Ubuntu?
If you are getting “No Authenticators Available” error, ensure libsasl2-2 & libsasl2-modules-db are installed.
If you are getting “No Authenticators Available” error, ensure libsasl2-2 & libsasl2-modules-db are installed.
Using this ubuntu guide with 2 changes. 1. Change the configure line to ./configure –libexecdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/ –with-mantype=man 2. Instead of editing the sudoers file, create a file under sudoers.d (more modular): echo “Defaults env_keep += SSH_AUTH_SOCK” > /etc/sudoers.d/ssh_auth Also note that the latest version of this module on sourceforge is more recent than linked.