Shell function to create menu from ~/.ssh/config
Install slmenu then put this function in your startup: ssm() { ssh $(awk ‘/Host / && !/*/ { print $2 }’ ~/.ssh/config | slmenu) }
Install slmenu then put this function in your startup: ssm() { ssh $(awk ‘/Host / && !/*/ { print $2 }’ ~/.ssh/config | slmenu) }
Are you an emacs user? Are you a GNU screen user? If the answer to both of these questions is yes then install elscreen for buffer navigation in emacs.
So here’s a quick function to drop in your ~/.emacs (taken from here): (defun git-push-remote-origin () “run `git push'” (interactive) (when buffer-file-name (shell-command “git push”) (message “DONE! git push at %s” default-directory) ))
I’ve recently configured my MTA to drop emails with embedded MS Office Macros (a very popular way of distributing malware). You can get the odd valid macro-enabled Office doc, so I’ve written a script to alert me when emails are dropped, it’s available on GitHub Configure in /etc/clamsmtpd.conf as below: VirusAction: /usr/local/bin/ -t (other …
I’ve looked at Dash on OSX enviously in the past, only recently discovered there’s a linux counterpart: zeal.
Useful if you’re copy & pasting. query-replace-regexp ^[[:digit:]]+\.? ? Or even better, define this function in your .emacs (defun remove-line-numbers () “remove line numbers” (interactive “*”) (beginning-of-buffer) (replace-regexp “^[[:digit:]]+\.? ?” “”))
Download, compile & install openssl 1.02 somewhere (eg /usr/local/openssl102) IMPORTANT: config with -fPIC flag ./config –prefix=/usr/local/openssl102 -fPIC no-gost no-shared no-zlib && make && make install Download compile & install nghttp2 (straightforward, I went for default path – to ensure it’s picked up by apache module create /etc/ with contents /usr/local/lib & run ldconfig unless this …
Continue reading ‘Installing Apache 2.4 on Centos 6 with HTTP2 support’ »
Customizable alternative to Oracle’s SQL*PLUS command-line interface Source: sqlpython 1.7.3 : Python Package Index Prerequisites to install: Ensure you have oracle client libraries & ORACLE_HOME set (run the environment script) Create /etc/ with contents of your lib directory (eg: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/lib) and run ldconfig pip install cx-Oracle
This is partly based on instructions from but uses a virtual environment and no checking out from Github / manually installing packages. Install Cygwin. Include following packages: python openssl / openssl-devel python-crypto python-openssl openssh Install & configure pip, virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper as per Create a virtual environment for ansible with mkvirtualenv –system-site-packages ansi …