VirusAction script for clamsmtp

I’ve recently configured my MTA to drop emails with embedded MS Office Macros (a very popular way of distributing malware). You can get the odd valid macro-enabled Office doc, so I’ve written a script to alert me when emails are dropped, it’s available on GitHub Configure in /etc/clamsmtpd.conf as below: VirusAction: /usr/local/bin/ -t (other …

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Installing Apache 2.4 on Centos 6 with HTTP2 support

Download, compile & install openssl 1.02 somewhere (eg /usr/local/openssl102) IMPORTANT: config with -fPIC flag ./config –prefix=/usr/local/openssl102 -fPIC no-gost no-shared no-zlib && make && make install Download compile & install nghttp2 (straightforward, I went for default path – to ensure it’s picked up by apache module create /etc/ with contents /usr/local/lib & run ldconfig unless this …

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sqlpython 1.7.3

Customizable alternative to Oracle’s SQL*PLUS command-line interface Source: sqlpython 1.7.3 : Python Package Index Prerequisites to install: Ensure you have oracle client libraries & ORACLE_HOME set (run the environment script) Create /etc/ with contents of your lib directory (eg: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/lib) and run ldconfig pip install cx-Oracle

Running ansible from a windows host

This is partly based on instructions from but uses a virtual environment and no checking out from Github / manually installing packages. Install Cygwin. Include following packages: python openssl / openssl-devel python-crypto python-openssl openssh Install & configure pip, virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper as per Create a virtual environment for ansible with mkvirtualenv –system-site-packages ansi …

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